Answers to the quiz @ QFI Chennai

Here are the Answers
- Played under 2 religious affliations
- Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi
- Barabati
- Arbab Niaz Stadium
- When Ram Singh first came to Chennai he found it difficult to find a house bcos the owners asked him about his ancestors and his origins. So Ram singh told them that his ancestor was Guru Gobind and he came from Amirtsar. Hence A G
- Chennai 600028
- Montevideo
- Tirupati Brahmotsavam
- Lagaan
- Mogadishu
- Rubiks cube
- Garuda
- Mushtaq Mohammed
- Arjun Singh
- Kanappar
- They allowed cattle to graze on it
- Sikkal and since he got back his old beautiful form(beauty = Singara in Tamil) he became Singaravelar
- Jallianwallabagh
- Used to measure baldness
- They created an option that had the characteristics of both and then looked into the map and found Bermuda in between Americ and Europe and hence called it so
- Berlin Zoo after Knut the polar bear burst into fame
- Day of the Jackal technique
- Janavasam
- Awards = Viridhu and hence Virudhunagar
- Pran
- Tetris
- The fox terrier had a straight tail which looked like an antenna(See the pic on top)
- Vanni tree and hence Thiruvanmiyur
- Indian thoughtless
- Frequency Analysis
- Kala Paani
- Napoleon
- Klu Klux Klan
- Bartitsu
- Royal society of Chemistry
- Bees saal baad
- W. G. Grace
- The answers in Red form a theme Can you try identifying it