Thursday, July 12, 2007

Answers to the quiz @ QFI Chennai

Here are the Answers
  1. Played under 2 religious affliations
  2. Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi
  3. Barabati
  4. Arbab Niaz Stadium
  5. When Ram Singh first came to Chennai he found it difficult to find a house bcos the owners asked him about his ancestors and his origins. So Ram singh told them that his ancestor was Guru Gobind and he came from Amirtsar. Hence A G
  6. Chennai 600028
  7. Montevideo
  8. Tirupati Brahmotsavam
  9. Lagaan
  10. Mogadishu
  11. Rubiks cube
  12. Garuda
  13. Mushtaq Mohammed
  14. Arjun Singh
  15. Kanappar
  16. They allowed cattle to graze on it
  17. Sikkal and since he got back his old beautiful form(beauty = Singara in Tamil) he became Singaravelar
  18. Jallianwallabagh
  19. Used to measure baldness
  20. They created an option that had the characteristics of both and then looked into the map and found Bermuda in between Americ and Europe and hence called it so
  21. Berlin Zoo after Knut the polar bear burst into fame
  22. Day of the Jackal technique
  23. Janavasam
  24. Awards = Viridhu and hence Virudhunagar
  25. Pran
  26. Tetris
  27. The fox terrier had a straight tail which looked like an antenna(See the pic on top)
  28. Vanni tree and hence Thiruvanmiyur
  29. Indian thoughtless
  30. Frequency Analysis
  31. Kala Paani
  32. Napoleon
  33. Klu Klux Klan
  34. Bartitsu
  35. Royal society of Chemistry
  36. Bees saal baad
  37. W. G. Grace
  38. The answers in Red form a theme Can you try identifying it


Blogger Sumant said...

machan quiz weight o weight da..i loved the virudhunagar thing..I am trying to guess the theme though now.

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, the only question I completeyly got is the one on KKK but I think I have figured out the theme, though not sure how it applies completely. Here is my explanation. The theme is Sherlock Holmes/Arthur Conan Doyle. Explanation:

30. Holmes uses frequency analysis in "adventure of the dancing men"

31. Not sure

32. "The Adventure of the Six Napoleons" (got that from wikipedia)

33. Not sure

34. Not sure

35. Doyle was a member of the RSC before writing or something

36. No idea

37. Doyle's only wicket!

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


loved the quiz. didn't quite understand the answer to Q32 (napolean?).

i managed to get 4 questions right.
not bad, eh? :)

i just read the kkk trivia in freakonomics. (was that ur source?)

in retrospect, could have guessed a few more.


11:23 AM  

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